Arcade Ultimate – The Sega Gopher’s New US Name

By on March 24, 2011

Welcome Sega Fans.


As you may or may not already know, I did a review of this little cool portable device called the Sega Gopher. It just so happens that originally this was an imported product not originally released here in the good’ol US of A (Don’t feel bad, we never get the cool stuff first!).


sega arcade ultimate

Sega Arcade Ultimate

The Gopher was originally released as a PAL product that worked with standard NTSC roms via the SD card slot. There is also a quick little tutorial in the video that showcases how to properly do it.  Now the one I was using in the video happened to be a NTSC demo version that was before the actual release of the permanent US version that we are now talking about.


So low and behold, I happy to announce to all US Sega fans that the new Sega Arcade Ultimate is here.


This is pretty much the same exact unit however the only difference from the Pal Gopher version is the fact that this one is 100 percent compatible with NTSC tv sets.


So let’s welcome our friends the best little Sega “Ultimate Arcade” this side of the hemisphere.



About David Scarpitta

I am a critical guy, and love to review and give my professional opinion on just about anything. Though have a love for tech/gaming and music alongside the cinema. You can catch me consulting and developing the net any day of the week.