PlayStation All-Stars: Battle Royale – Preview

By on April 28, 2012

The rumors were true.  Coming later this year from SuperBot Entertainment is the very Smash Brothers inspired Playstation All-Stars: Battle Royale.  The game takes an entire roster of various Playstation brand characters and pits them against one another in a frantic fight to the death all set in different worlds which are also taken from Playstation titles from over the years.  Currently only six characters have been shown so far which include Kratos, Sly Cooper, Sweet Tooth, Colonel Radec, Parappa the Rapper (he was trained by Chop Chop Master Onion, after all), and Fat Princess.  More of the line-up will be revealed as the game gets closer to release.  While some might see this as nothing more than a ploy to make money off of copying a popular game series, it is more than that.  Fans of the various characters presented by the Playstation brand have been asking for this for years, it is fan service at the extreme.  Of course, you won’t have to know the difference between Sly and Parappa to enjoy the game.  The controls are simple to learn, each character has their own unique feel and super attack which can be launched with one button press when you fill your Special Meter.  Online multiplayer will be included but the details on what modes the game will offer have not been announced as of yet.  More information to come as the months draw closer to a release date.


About David Scarpitta

I am a critical guy, and love to review and give my professional opinion on just about anything. Though have a love for tech/gaming and music alongside the cinema. You can catch me consulting and developing the net any day of the week.