PSN Free Games Not Downloading? Still Issues? How to Download Them.

By on June 4, 2011

You didn’t expect it to be easy did you?





As Sony just launched their Free “Welcome Back” Free Games Selection, many (including myself) have not been able to effectively download the free games that we are able to pick from.

When you finally get a chance to logon to the Playstation Store and finally access the “free PSN games” you are told to follow a certain set of directions however they do not show up in your “store downloads” or “purchased games for download” at all.


Obviously it’s very frustrating to not be able to download your free Welcome Back games, as I don’t feel so welcome as of yet.


Though, as always Old Skool is here to the rescue and after an hour of nonsense going through the entire “PSN XBM” as it’s so called by Sony I finally found a way to access and download my free “Welcome Back Games”.


Here’s how to download the free games that you choose from the “Welcome Back Selection”. Follow the below instructions:


This is the navigation to kind of backdoor the downloads for the free games you have chosen to download via the menus:


Go into account management -> transaction management -> services list -> SCEA Promotions to download the games.


Alright gamers, now you know and knowing is half the battle!




About David Scarpitta

I am a critical guy, and love to review and give my professional opinion on just about anything. Though have a love for tech/gaming and music alongside the cinema. You can catch me consulting and developing the net any day of the week.
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