Starcraft 2 patch 1.3.3 released

By on May 13, 2011

Blizzard has also released a new patch for its acclaimed strategy game, Starcraft 2. This patch will update your game’s version to v1.3.3, brings more balance tweaks to the three races and fixes various bugs and crashes. The patch will be auto-downloaded next time you start the game and you can view the complete changelist after the jump.


– The default hotkey to toggle in-game music on/off has been reverted to its hotkey prior to Patch 1.3.0. The hotkey to display APM in the observer stat panel has been changed as a result.




– Now a massive unit.

– Range increased from 2 to 3.

Cybernetics Core

– Research Warp Gate time increased from 140 to 160.


– Sentry train time decreased from 42 to 37.

– Warp Gate unit train times remain unchanged.

- Pylon power radius has been decreased from 7.5 to 6.5.



– Salvage resource return reduced from 100% to 75%.


– Cost changed from 150/150 to 200/100.


– Thor now has 200 max energy, and starts with 50 energy.

– 250mm Strike Cannons now cost 150 energy to use (cooldown removed).



– Speed decreased from 2.5 to 2.25.

Spore Crawler

– Root time decreased from 12 to 6.

Bug Fixes

- Fixed an issue where Ghosts could not quickly EMP the same location.

– Fixed an issue that allowed players to stack air units when issuing a queued stop command before the units reached the end of their patrol point.

– Fixed an issue where unplugging your USB headset while another player was talking to you could cause a crash.

– Fixed an issue where the APM statistic could be artificially increased.

– Fixed an issue where 3D unit portraits were not animating smoothly at slow game speeds.

– Fixed an issue where, when viewing a replay, no text message was displayed when a player left a game.

– The Taiwanese hotkey to display/hide the game UI while in Observer mode now works correctly.

About David Scarpitta

I am a critical guy, and love to review and give my professional opinion on just about anything. Though have a love for tech/gaming and music alongside the cinema. You can catch me consulting and developing the net any day of the week.