Starcraft 2 Zerg Preview Video Walkthrough

By on April 9, 2010

Final day of the Starcraft 2 video walkthroughs narrated by our own Doomraker. In this video series we are taking you through the changes coming in Blizzard’s highly anticipated sequel. Today we tackle the changes and improvements to the dreaded Zerg race. These guys remind me of the cockroaches in my apartment! They don’t even pay rent! Check it out after the hyperspace jump!

You can watch the video of the changes here, the video of the Protoss Race changes here and the video of the Terren changes here.

About David Scarpitta

I am a critical guy, and love to review and give my professional opinion on just about anything. Though have a love for tech/gaming and music alongside the cinema. You can catch me consulting and developing the net any day of the week.