Why Is This Art and Not That?

By on July 29, 2010

Roger Ebert is following the ranks of Jack Thompson in criticizing the game industry and getting gamers up in a tizzy. He flat out stated that games aren’t art and will never be. And while we think that Ebert is entitled to his opinion, no matter how wrong it is, we want to present an idea on what art is.

Anyone who takes an art history class is constantly barraged with the question “What is art?”. Each new art movement is book ended with this question, mostly in response to a change in what people think art entails. Of course, there is no correct answer.

The closest consensus to an answer to this question is art is what you say it is. Art is in the eye of the beholder. If you believe it is art, then it is. Of course, if you don’t believe it is art, then it isn’t. People may disagree with you but they can’t be wrong and neither can you.

So we ask you.

If this is art,

why isn’t this?

If this is art,

why isn’t this?

If this is art,

why isn’t this?

Don’t listen to Roger Ebert, you don’t care what he says. Would you ask your Aunt Linda for advice on what motorcycle to buy? No. Aunt Linda doesn’t appreciate motorcycles like you do and has no understanding of what they are. Just like Roger Ebert has no understanding of what games are. Listen to someone who knows.

Art is in the hand of the beholder. Want to celebrate your art? Head over to Das Cheap for the best gaming prices on the net.

About David Scarpitta

I am a critical guy, and love to review and give my professional opinion on just about anything. Though have a love for tech/gaming and music alongside the cinema. You can catch me consulting and developing the net any day of the week.