Assassin’s Creed III’s Gameplay Premiere Trailer

By on May 10, 2012


Thanks to all of the people liking Assassin’s Creed III‘s Facebook page, tweeted about it, wrote on their wall, and just generally did an advertising job for Ubisoft, the first gameplay video for the game is out.  So let’s get it out of the way and have a look at the trailer.


The trailer has given us a peek at the few different locals that you’ll be roaming in: from snowy wilderness, to colonial towns, to even a battlefield during the Revolutionary War.  Defiantly the interesting scene was seeing Connor making his way through that battlefield and it makes me wonder if there’s going to be different battlefields to make your way through or will there just be one set piece.

Another question this trailer has brought up is, are we just killing exclusively the red coats, as we never see any colonists being killed by Connor?  In the trailer and in previous announcements by Ubisoft, it is indicated that Connor isn’t on anyone’s side, but I’ve only been seeing assassinations and killings of people in red.  Granted, this is still early and I’m not freaking over it like some, but it would have been nice to see him sticking it to both sides; however, I’m sure that will come with future builds and as we begin to see more and more of the game.

At least we learned we get to stick it to a big bear on October 30th, when the game is released.


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About David Scarpitta

I am a critical guy, and love to review and give my professional opinion on just about anything. Though have a love for tech/gaming and music alongside the cinema. You can catch me consulting and developing the net any day of the week.