Crysis 2 First High-Resolution Textures Pack Released

By on April 5, 2011

Even though Crysis 2 didn’t come out with the CryEngine 3 editor, the modding community has already started modding the game. As you may have guessed, the first mods are simple textures replacements. After all, Crysis 2’s vanilla textures were quite low-res. We should note that the replacement textures are taken from Crysis 1 and that this pack doesn’t work if you’ve already updated your game to the version. Although we can’t include the download link for this High-Resolution Textures Pack, we can provide you with the installation notes and a small comparison between the unmodded and the modded version of Crysis 2.

Description: Pack, replaces some textures Crysis 2 on high-resolution textures (textures for replacement are taken from Crysis 1 – only identical)

First Method:

  • Downloading the software.
  • Point the way to the game folder (eg, C: \ Games \ Crysis 2, no subdirectories you do not need)
  • Click remove.
  • After installation run the batch file ReplaceTextures.bat, it renames the file Testures.pak (as it creates a backup) and creates a folder Textures, from which will be taken higher-resolution textures. If the batch file does not start, it can always be run manually from a folder of Crysis 2 \ gamecrysis2. There is also a batch file RestoreTextures.bat, which restores the old texture if that …

Second method:

  • Downloading the file.
  • Unpack using any archiver, for example, WinRar (Extract to-> choose the folder containing the Crysis 2, for example C: \ Games \ Crysis 2, and any subdirectories you do not need).
  • Go to the folder of Crysis 2 \ gamecrysis2
  • Rename Textures.pak, specifying any other name.
  • Rename the folder TexturesRes in Textures.
  • Playing …

Here are some comparison shots. The left screens are from Crysis 2 unmodded, while the right ones are from the modded version. Enjoy!











About David Scarpitta

I am a critical guy, and love to review and give my professional opinion on just about anything. Though have a love for tech/gaming and music alongside the cinema. You can catch me consulting and developing the net any day of the week.
  • Rqfgqw

    You cannot provide download links? why? are mods now considered illegal or the act of making a mod considered bad behavior?

  • john2

    Legal issues. Google the ‘’ and you will find it easily ;)