Avatar Kinect coming to X360

By on May 17, 2011

What came to our mind when we first tested Kinect, was how cool strategy games would look like and how ideal this service would be for our avatars. And seems that Microsoft have finally figured it out – or at least one of them. Therefore, Avatar Kinect is coming to X360. Avatar Kinect will be a new Xbox LIVE social experience and will basically use the sensor’s precise facial-recognition capabilities to project your face and your expressions into your avatar.

Avatar Kinect is scheduled to be launched in Spring and here is what Umaimah Mendhro, a senior product manager for Microsoft Startup Business Group had to say:

Avatar Kinect will let you hang out and socialize with seven of your friends in a simulated environment. The gathering spots will range from the set of a late-night talk show to a tailgate party to a magical forest.”

Sounds cool, doesn’t it? On the other hand, Eric Lang, a general manager for Microsoft Startup Business Group and Pete Thompson, general manager of Xbox LIVE, said:

“The work that we did was taking something that was essentially a demo and turning it into a product. It’s a huge amount of work.” That work included developing algorithms for facial expressions and making sure the computer vision could work with Kinect, Lang said.”

“It was personally very gratifying to see the teams come together and find creative solutions. The end result is a highly-curated consumer service that is very compelling, but also has tremendous headroom for future innovation from Microsoft and its partners.”

About David Scarpitta

I am a critical guy, and love to review and give my professional opinion on just about anything. Though have a love for tech/gaming and music alongside the cinema. You can catch me consulting and developing the net any day of the week.