Call of Duty Elite revealed and will cost you $7.99 each and every month

By on May 31, 2011

Activision decided to really milk the CoD cow with their latest service that will demand a monthly subscription. Yeap, that’s right. Call Of Duty Elite will demand a monthly subscription ($7.99) and will offer things that we were already getting for free from some smaller gaming studios. Damn, even had for free most of those features. Wow… just, wow!

According to Activision, Call Of Duty Elite will debut alongside Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, will fully support Activision’s latest game and will feature extra content (like maps, although we don’t know whether there are going to be monthly map packs or not), online meetings for online gun battles with others who share various affiliations and interests, players tools to analyze their performance in game.

Activision will unveil more features for this monthly service in the coming days. What is sad however is that the company cares only about their profits and that’s exactly what most of the other studios are more excited about. Rob Dyer, senior vice president of publisher relations at Sony’s U.S. games division said:

“There’s money to be made there.”

Bobby Kotick on the other hand stated that this service wouldn’t be possible if it was for free. We strongly disagree though.

All in all, Activision is milking again the cash cow and due to its fanbase, there will be enough profits to justify such an attempt. What next now, single player games with monthly subscription? Don’t laugh cause it might happen sooner than you think.

About David Scarpitta

I am a critical guy, and love to review and give my professional opinion on just about anything. Though have a love for tech/gaming and music alongside the cinema. You can catch me consulting and developing the net any day of the week.
  • Masterpuni

    Thanks for beeing so greedy and exploiting your gamers Activision.

  • eNdEmiOn

    This is one of the reasons I’m against all the cloud hyping as of late.