Dark Void Hands On Review

By on January 13, 2010


Dark Void
Greetings, gamerinos!  Had  a chance to take a good look through the Dark Void demo that released for both Xbox 360 and PS3.  Let me tell you, first of all, that I was super excited to check this game out after watching all the trailers!  There are a few surefire markers of gaming awesomeness, one of them being dog  fighting.  Dog fighting with a jetpack on?  That should be awesome.  The Dark Void trailers had tons of it.  By the way, anyone remember Space Harrier?  Full of win.

Sad to say, though, I was a little disappointed with the Dark Void demo.  You would figure that when studios release a demo, they’d want to showcase the baddassery of the game, as opposed to the tutorial level.  Bayonetta did a good job with this late last year.  They had a separate section for the tutorial, which I’m sure most of us skipped, and not one, but TWO levels of hack and slash fun.

Dark Void, however, gave us a tutorial level.  A short tutorial level. They gave us a tutorial level and overly-sensitive aiming controls.  I think I must have faced off with a total of 7 enemies in the entire tutorial…er, demo.  And it seemed like the AI on one of them was broken, because I kept hearing blaster fire, and there was no way that enemy could have had eyes on me.   To top it all off, they don’t even give you a mini-boss fight.  They set it up though.  They let you see it in it’s super-laser, ship-destroying glory.  But do you get to fight it?  Noooooooo.  Seriously, that’s like taking a 5 year old to Anaheim, driving by Disneyland, and saying, “Oh, look at the fun you might be having someday!”  Sure, that kid might really want to go to Disneyland, but he’s going to hate you for a while.  Maybe long enough to forget your release date on January 19th, Capcom.

Add a world full of jaggies.  Jaggies everywhere.  The end.

Check the video out, though!

About David Scarpitta

I am a critical guy, and love to review and give my professional opinion on just about anything. Though have a love for tech/gaming and music alongside the cinema. You can catch me consulting and developing the net any day of the week.