Dwarfs!? First Content Updates

By on May 17, 2011

Tripwire Interactive and Power of Two announced today the first content updates for Dwarfs!?. Moreover this – and all others that will follow – first update is free for all those that bought the game. It fixes some bugs and includes some interesting additions to the game. Among other things, you can now move around the map with the arrow keys, you can jump to the main base with both F1 and Home key, a a slider in Options/Gameplay has been added that lets you increase the maximum zoom out level and an option for colorblind players has been added. You can view the entire changelist after the jump.

This first update content will be auto-downloaded next time you start Steam.

  • First Content Update Key Features:
    • You can now move around the map with the arrow keys. Hold shift to speed this up. Zooming on the keyboard is now done with +/-
    • You can now jump to the main base with both F1 and the more intuitive Home key
    • You can now change resolution with the arrow keys as well as the dropdown in Options
    • Added an option for colorblind players which changes the colors of the in-game warnings to more trippy ones
    • Added a slider in Options/Gameplay that lets you increase the maximum zoom out level. Might affect performance!
    • Holes that sit on the mossy surroundings of your Town Hall will now be grown shut in time, regardless if lava or water is flowing down it or not! The only way to counteract this is to trap the cave which the hole is a part of. How long you have before the hole is grown shut depends on difficulty, with 10 seconds in T-Hardcore and 40 seconds on Easy!


    About David Scarpitta

    I am a critical guy, and love to review and give my professional opinion on just about anything. Though have a love for tech/gaming and music alongside the cinema. You can catch me consulting and developing the net any day of the week.