Hefty Darksiders demo to drop on Xbox 360 and PS3!

By on February 16, 2010


Greetings gamers!  New new news in today from the folks over at the Vigil camp!  As you know, their game Darksiders hit the streets a little over a month ago, and has been polarizing gamers ever since.  While many say it’s the best thing since the invention of the real doll, others say it’s an inflatable mermaid at best.  This kind of response has left more than a few of us sitting on the proverbial fence.

Vigil hopes to coax us over to the positive side on February 25th with a hefty demo set for release on Xbox Live and the PlayStation Network.  By hefty, I mean they’re giving us the entire first dungeon of the game!  That’s two boss fights!  The devs estimate playtime for the demo to put you about 90-minutes in the time hole.

90-minutes!  That’s an entire feature film’s worth, something I usually pay $12 for!

That’s pretty gracious of you, Vigil!  But is more necessarily better?  We at DasReviews just finished up with the Heavy Rain demo.  You can check out our gameplay videos here and here!  Short but sweet, says we.  After that demo, I’m definitely in for my copy.  Pre-Ordered and everything.

Either way, I suppose we’ll find out on February 25th!  Or, you could just go ahead and buy the game!  Darksiders is available for Xbox 360 and PS3.

About David Scarpitta

I am a critical guy, and love to review and give my professional opinion on just about anything. Though have a love for tech/gaming and music alongside the cinema. You can catch me consulting and developing the net any day of the week.