Killzone 3 Multiplayer Beta Demo Preview

By on February 8, 2011

The Killzone 3 Multiplayer Beta just landed on the PS3.  While there are a few connectivity errors, overall it’s a great indicator of how the final version will play.  Everything bad about the previous installment has been fixed; slow matchmaking, an odd class system, and confined maps are all a thing of the past.

When looking for a match, gone are the lobbies of yesterday.  The new system will simply place you in the best match it can find according to your criteria.  It’s a much more streamlined experience that gets you in a game faster.

The new class system works like a cross between Battlefield and Call of Duty.  As you level, Career Unlock points are earned to enhance specific class abilities.  Several classes are available, such as Medic, Infiltrator, and Engineer.  Each one has its own set of strength and weaknesses and take some time to master.

There is only one playable map for the beta, but it is very well done.  There are several choke points which become flooded with gunfire, but there are more than a few corridors to flank the enemy.  The level will also scale depending on what game mode is being played, so you’re never to far away from the fight.

Overall, Killzone 3 looks to combine the best of every multiplayer experience out there, and somehow manages to pull it off.  All that remains to be seen is if the single player can pick up the pace, or if the multiplayer will have to carry all the weight.

About David Scarpitta

I am a critical guy, and love to review and give my professional opinion on just about anything. Though have a love for tech/gaming and music alongside the cinema. You can catch me consulting and developing the net any day of the week.