Nintendo Announces Media Summit

By on February 10, 2010


Hey gamers!  Yes, you read that headline correctly.  The folks over at Ninty have just sent out invites to their Q1 Media Summit,  which will start on February 24th in San Francisco, CA.  If I’ve got Nintendo gauged, I’m sure they’ve got some awesome stuff to unleash. Let’s hope so.

It just feels to me that lately there’s been lots of hype with too little payoff in the Nintendo camp.   We all know what really sells are the first-party Nintendo titles.  It’s those titles that people are really waiting for.  Besides New Super Mario Bros. Wii, we really haven’t really seen or heard anything besides passing rumors and old teaser trailers.  I mean, haven’t been Wii-slapped in the face with a new Super Mario Bros. Galaxy, Metroid, or Legend of Zelda since 2007.

Hopefully, all that will change come February 24th!  We already  that Nintendo has plans to release a titles from their three major franchises sometime this year or next, namely Super Mario Bros. Galaxy 2, Metroid: Other M, and a new unnamed Legend of Zelda title -at least, that’s what the buzz is.

Come Nintendo, give us something concrete!  Perhaps some gameplay video, or a playable demo, or just a release date!  I’ll even take a Wii Vitality Sensor demo at this point.

::crosses fingers like the undercover Wii fanboy that he is::

About David Scarpitta

I am a critical guy, and love to review and give my professional opinion on just about anything. Though have a love for tech/gaming and music alongside the cinema. You can catch me consulting and developing the net any day of the week.