Oregon Trail + Farmville = Frontierville Review, New Zynga Game Hits Facebook

By on June 10, 2010

Love it or hate it, Farmville is the most prolific game on the planet. That’s a fact. Capitalizing on it’s success or in response to its hemoraging players, Zynga Games has released a new “ville” game called Frontierville. It’s like Farmville but in the Old West. At first glance, it looks exactly the same as Farmville but the game goes a lot deeper. The main problem with Farmville with short of planting crops and making your landscape look pretty, you couldn’t do anything. Frontierville looks like its trying to change that. The game is a lot deeper and more focus on the social aspects of the game, assuredly to get more private data to sell to advertisers.

You can buy things and plant things and raise things. The game is technically still in beta and the network is buggy. I lost connection numerous times and had my game reverted back a few hours. I’m sure it will get better as they put more work into it but man is it frustrating to come back and find your cabin lying around in unbuilt pieces rather than housing your new things. In fact, it did it just now as I was typing that. If only I could go back in time and get unmarried in real life…

However, it looks like Zynga has some more plans on the horizon. There are signs on the edge of your property named Gold Rush, Oregon Trail and Rattlesnake canyon. We’re aren’t sure what’s coming but we can guarantee you that it will make our girlfriends leave us alone to play some real games.

Check out the game for yourself at http://apps.facebook.com/frontierville/

PS. This game is free.

PPS. It must be stated that the author of this article had to play Frontierville to write this review. Don’t judge him.

PPPS. He might still be playing it. This shit’s addictive.

PPPPS. When you are building a building, the progress bar says ‘Whacking’ and it totally looks like you are whacking off. Hawt.

About David Scarpitta

I am a critical guy, and love to review and give my professional opinion on just about anything. Though have a love for tech/gaming and music alongside the cinema. You can catch me consulting and developing the net any day of the week.
  • Adrianne Gerhart

    hey, i just started on frontierville and it wont let me do anything! I have full energy and I cant even click on the menu or anything, when it do it says “I cant do this yet!” do you have any suggestions?

  • Olly Kerr

    *facepalm* you have to go through the turorial first, you hvae to harvest the peas and clear the grass first before you can do ANYTHING