Powermat: Wireless Charging for your Devices

By on January 14, 2010


Video Below if you don’t like reading.

DasReviews was on the scene at CES 2010, as we got an exclusive behind the scene look at Powermat’s ($99.99) latest works in progress. If you have not seen the television commercials or huge ads at your local Best Buy and Target, heres a crash course. Its a wireless charger for your devices! You read correct. Simply throw your new Motorola Droid on the surface and it starts charging, as soon as you hear the churp of connection.

Now it may not work with all devices YET, but they have charging cases for popular devices, such as the iPhone and the Nintendo DS. Most everything else can be connected through the PowerCube adapter tips. The tips included are: Samsung, LG, Apple, Sony,  DSi, DS lite, Micro USB, and Mini USB.  Now gamers, they DO NOT support PS3, and Xbox 360 Controllers.

As for the new sample we were able to see in process. Basically it is the same layout MINUS the plug for the charging platform. That’s right, soon enough you do not even need to plug in the pad! So here’s the shots I took below. Also A video below if you don’t like reading.

About David Scarpitta

I am a critical guy, and love to review and give my professional opinion on just about anything. Though have a love for tech/gaming and music alongside the cinema. You can catch me consulting and developing the net any day of the week.