Sins of a Solar Empire Patch 1.21 now live

By on May 25, 2011

Stardock released today the latest patch for their space strategy game, Sins Of A Solar Empire. This patch addresses the lag in multiplayer games and fixes some gameplay issues, like the scout and capital ships, as well ase the game’s AI. Be warned though that this new patch will erase your game saves and recordings. You can view the entire changelist after the jump.


  • Tweak to the Alloy network code to try and keep clients from running ahead of the server, and to catch up better when clients lag behind. Our testing shows this should significantly improve overall multiplayer performance over ICO when Alloy is used.
  • Players who flood the ICO chat system will now be kicked from the server.
  • Additional validation checks added to the ICO server.


  • Fixed range on scout ships’ mine detection ability to properly be 6,000.
  • Maximum level capital ships will no longer “leech” experience points.
  • Anti-very heavy vs. capital ship armor damage reduced from 0.75 to 0.6 (i.e., bomber squadrons will no longer do as much damage to capital ships).


  • AI players should now place mines with a higher priority nearer to structures.


  • Research tabs with no research subjects should now be properly hidden.
  • Added an option to allow users having trouble with the cursor to switch to the Windows system cursor.


  • Old sound effect for the Vasari Kortul re-added.

About David Scarpitta

I am a critical guy, and love to review and give my professional opinion on just about anything. Though have a love for tech/gaming and music alongside the cinema. You can catch me consulting and developing the net any day of the week.