Xperia Play First Looks

By on February 8, 2011

After going around the web for about a month, the Xperia Play has finally been officially announced by Sony. A nifty commercial airing during the Super Bowl promotes the device, showing off a sleek design that’s running on the Android operating system. Unfortunately, not much else is know about the device, but expect more information on February 13th at Sony’s press conference.

Hopefully the Xperia Play will launch for multiple carriers instead of being exclusive like when the Iphone first launched. It has been announced to have a few carriers in Europe, so that might be a good sign for us Americans.

Another piece of important information that is unclear is how the phone will handle the PSN, or if it will be able to connect at all. The phone will clearly be able to run all games on the Android market, but some demanding PSN games may be off limits if the hardware can’t handle it. Expect Sony to officially announce a sort of ‘Mobile Playstation Market’, allowing users to download and play certain games, such as PS1 Classics and Minis.

So, do you think you’ll be picking up the Xperia Play, or will you pass it up for the NGP?

About David Scarpitta

I am a critical guy, and love to review and give my professional opinion on just about anything. Though have a love for tech/gaming and music alongside the cinema. You can catch me consulting and developing the net any day of the week.