Hydrophobia Prophecy available now on Steam

By on May 9, 2011

Hydrophobia Prophecy has been released and it’s now available on Steam. Hydrophobia Prophecy fixes all those issues and bugs that players encountered in Hydrophobia. The PC version seems like the ideal version, as there won’t be any performance issues. At least if your PC can handle it.

Hydrophobia Prophecy includes upgraded graphics, brand new gameplay mechanics, exclusive new levels, a reworked back story, a dramatic new ending, recast voice acting and much more.

Dark Energy has also released Darknet; a real time feedback system, and a direct line of communication between developer and consumer.  This feature will be quite useful, especially if you encounter any major, game-breaking bug.


About David Scarpitta

I am a critical guy, and love to review and give my professional opinion on just about anything. Though have a love for tech/gaming and music alongside the cinema. You can catch me consulting and developing the net any day of the week.