Multiple sources hint to Wii’s successor

By on April 15, 2011

In all honesty, this is quite expected. Nintendo managed to win the gaming crowd with the innovative, yet powerless Wii so we kind of knew that Ninty would be the first one to offer a next-generation console. Especially after both X360 and PS3 entering Wii’s motion sensing territory. And it seems that Nintendo will reveal this new console at E3. This is something that a lot of sources hint and as they say… where there is smoke, there is definitely fire.

The first one to report this new console from Nintendo, was Game Informer. Still, that article from Game Informer didn’t include any information about this new console’s capabilities. However, some new articles have surfaced that contain more information. According to both IGN and Kotaku, this new console will be more powerful than both X360 and PS3. IGN goes even further and reports that the company will distribute a press release this month – confirming the rumors – and will fully unveil the console in June. IGN also notes that the console will be backwards compatible with the Wii and will support 1080p resolutions.

Additionaly, the E3 Twitter account has posted a very interesting message on their Twitter account. This might have nothing to do with Nintendo’s new console, but still the timing is spot on with what we’ve heard so far

“Could it be? Tune in June 7th and see….

We’ll have new information later this month or at E3. Stay tuned for more!

About David Scarpitta

I am a critical guy, and love to review and give my professional opinion on just about anything. Though have a love for tech/gaming and music alongside the cinema. You can catch me consulting and developing the net any day of the week.