It’s Official! : Street Fighter Versus Tekken & Tekken VS Street Fighter – Trailer Inside

By on July 24, 2010

Oh it’s a joyous day!

Street Fighter vs Tekken

Street Fighter Versus Tekken

Yes, first it was Sonic the Hedgehog sleeping with Mario, then it was RPG Companies fighting the good fight with action/arcade guys (Namco Bandai) and as history and the internet brings one big jumbled melting pot of technological insanity the past inconceivable has been done!

This is Street Fighter VS Tekken. I mean you really can call it a ton of things. Capcom has called it Street Fighter X Tekken for I guess not to seem like they are “versing the world” (can I say but it seems that it’s already in production and there’s not a thing you can do about it!

So for those looking to sleep with your sisters, here it is:

The Street Fighter Versus Tekken or SF Vs Tekken, or Street Fighter VS Tekken..take your pick

At Press Time, Yoshinori Ono said that the game will available on BOTH the XBOX 360 and PS3! (I guess he didn’t want to get murdered on stage if that was less than the case!) so fanboys be not hesitant to heavily scrutinize the game because it will be a 2D style fighter just like Super Street Fighter 4.

…wait (I hear small sobs from Tekken enthusiasts!) there is more.

It just so happens that this cross-over will be a little more than just “another licensing” cash cleanup but instead it was announced that Tekken X Street Fighter is also in development at Namco! So I imagine this will version of the title will be more geared towards the Tekken stylized gameplay and graphics.

Okay, now wet your pants!

About David Scarpitta

I am a critical guy, and love to review and give my professional opinion on just about anything. Though have a love for tech/gaming and music alongside the cinema. You can catch me consulting and developing the net any day of the week.
  • Ewa Edralin

    Hm ,.. Yes the best way is to just play like my friend Tod Beeks he just play games and enjoy his life.