• Gears of War 3 details revealed!

    First of all it’s being released later than expected, sorry guys it wont be released in April but sometime in the holidays near Christmas, I guessing so that they can cash in more. I am so excited...

    • Posted 13 years ago
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  • Gears of War 3 in April 2011 and Details Burst From The Ground

    I love leaks! And I mean rumor leaks and information leaks, not in the middle of the mall pant leaks. This leak is the former. A mistake was made on Xbox Live this morning and the above...

    • Posted 14 years ago
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  • Microsoft Releases New Platinum Hits Titles

    Hola, cyber-jockeys!  Don’t you love the “Platinum Hits” designation?  I sure do.  It means I get to catch up on some gaming! Looks like Microsoft just added a whole slew of titles to their Xbox 360 Platinum...

    • Posted 15 years ago
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