Top 5 Games That Need to Be Remade

By on April 9, 2010
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We here at Das Reviews love our retro games and whenever someone announces a new retro remake, it puts our joysticks at attention. With the recent announcement of the Rush’n Attack remake from Konami, we thought we would share with you our games that we want remade. And here they are:

1. The Syndicate

Then: This game originally came out in 1993 and it hit a number of platforms: PC, Mac, Amiga, SNES, 3DO, Jaguar. Syndicate was a top down strategy game that had you managing a team of 4 cyborg agents. You could research upgrades for your agents, weapons, gadgets, etc. You were given missions to accomplish and almost free-reign in cities with tons of objects and civilians to terrorize. And boy did I terrorize. The game had one expansion and a sequel that upped the graphics to 3D.

Now: Picture this. You log onto Xbox Live or Playstation Network. Join a group with some buddies. You load your team up and drop into a huge city environment. You are given objectives to accomplish but other teams of agents from competing corporations are in your way. You can manage your team from afar or jack straight into the head of a single agent and control him/her/it directly. Imagine the power of next gen consoles pushing a nitty gritty ultra modern world ala Blade Runner.

2. Bushido Blade

Then: Bushido Blade came out in 1997 for Sony’s juggernaut Playstation. The game made waves with its one on one armed combat. Stab your opponent in the arm and it dangles uselessly at his side. Cut off his leg and he limps to and fro. You could even take out your opponent with a direct hit. One shot, one kill. No golden gun here folks, just realistic combat. Drop this action in 3D environments and loads of weapons to chose from and you got yourself a classic. A sequel was made and the original was also released as a PS One Classic in Japan but alas, we cannot get it here in the US.

Now: Actually, what kind of picture do I have to paint? One on one armed combat online against many a foe. HD graphics. Customizable characters, weapons and moves.  A leaderboard that ranks the top fighters. How could you not want this?

3. Shenmue

Then: Shenmue debuted on the Dreamcast in Japan on December 29, 1999 and came out in the US nearly a year later on November 6, 2001. The game was an open world adventure game with 3D battles. You played as Ryo, a young man who dropped out of school to avenge his father’s murder. You explored Yokosuka and were able to freely roam the world or engage the narrative through quests that propelled onward toward your goal. The battle system used Ryo’s martial arts skills to take on his opponents. You could learn new skills from masters and practice in the training mode to increase your skill. The game also popularized the term Quick Time Events. While they weren’t new to the gaming scene, Quick Time Events were a way for you to interact with the world even further. A sequel came out two years later with a third planned that the world never saw.

Now: A free roaming city that supported the modern AI of Oblivion with the HD graphics of next gen hardware. DLC that pushes the story further after it was over or introduced you to new characters and new storylines in the Shenmue world. Online interactions with people around the world.

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About David Scarpitta

I am a critical guy, and love to review and give my professional opinion on just about anything. Though have a love for tech/gaming and music alongside the cinema. You can catch me consulting and developing the net any day of the week.
  • Simon

    there was an Arcade version of F-Zero, was pretty awesome, you could use your N64 memory card or a game card to upgrade.